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Other languages then German?

I'm Chezz and i've fixed everything with my DSLan now.

This weekend me and my friends will play.

But i have a simpel question, CAN i somehow fix DSLan in English?
Or well, Swedish would be even better but i guess it's only posible in English atm.

Thanks in advance and THANS for making DSLAn Smile

it's possible, but you have to do a lot.

you can change the discription and the building names in the config file. it's htdocs/include/config/buildings.php

the units and techs are in htdocs/include/config/techs.php and htdocs/include/config/units.php

the other pages, like the overview and the building indexs, you can find in htdocs/templates

perhabs you must remove all files in htdocs/templates_c, in order to use the new pages

(it would be good, if you can some html and php)

sorry for my mistakes, if just been learning english for 3 years :=)
In V2 you can change in English and Spanish I think.
[Image: create.php?uid=14]
Thanks for all answeres!

I'm not that good on Php, Html but one of my best friends is a pro at it. And he will help me to fix it Wink

Going right for it now..
(19.09.2008, 16:49)emoser Wrote: In V2 you can change in English and Spanish I think.

EN: And dutch; I will translate it in dutch...
DE: Und niederländisch; ich werde es übersetzen in niederländisch)

Big GrinBig Grin
Ich wohne in Belgien und spreche Niederländisch. Also, meckert bitte nicht wenn ich Rechtschreibungsfehler oder so mache...
~ Fazant
Do you mean that those languages will be enabled to use in Verision 2?
Yepp, that's planned ;-)

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